Stylish Moms

Mother's Day is on Sunday. YAY! So, I thought it would be great to share some of my favorite blogs by some super stylish moms that I look up to. 1. Kenziepoo - Rachelle is one hot mamma. She's the editor of La Petite Magazine and the the blogger behind Kenziepoo. She also blogs for a lot. She has AWESOME personal style. Her hair and makeup alone are always on point.


2. Rockstar Diaries - I'm sure you've probably already heard of Naomi from Rockstar Diaries, but she is one of my favorite stylin' moms. He hair and outfits are always unique and adorable. Plus, she always has the best braids. I wish I could do that for myself. My arms just get too tired I think. haha!


3. Kelly Murray - Kelly is an amazing visual artist and illustrator. She is also the head fashion designer of Jedidiah, so the girl knows a thing or two about good style. She has a beautiful little girl, and has incorporated motherhood into everything she does. Definitely check out her blog and her personal style posts!


4. Simply Grove - Kirsten is an amazing interior decorator. Her good taste in home decor completely translates into fashion. She has two adopted kiddos that have to be the most trend setting kids on this planet.