Angelic Magazine & Wonderfully Made

My faith in God is the most important aspect of my life, and from time to time you'll see it mentioned on my blog. I personally prefer to not have my blog and social media accounts be loud speakers for my views because I know not everyone shares them and I feel that my actions speak much louder than words anyway.


So, with that said, I've been really happy to take part in contributing to an organization called Wonderfully Made. It's a non-profit that helps women fight self-esteem issues and eating disorders with a faith based approach. I'm extremely passionate about those issues, and I feel that being in the fashion industry I have a responsibility to help fight them by communicating a healthy view of women and men. You can find me blogging about fashion once a month on their blog. Check out my some of my latest articles here...

Shopping Small Quality vs. Quantity Spring Cleaning Polka Dots, Brights and Some Advice One Piece Lovin'

I also just had the pleasure of sharing my journey in the fashion industry and how my faith has played a role with Angelic Magazine. You can read the article here.

If you have any questions about what you read or my life I'm happy to answer them. You can leave a comment or send me a note through my contact form.