My Favorite Accessory: Hats

Hats are one accessory I can always have more of, I'm not sure what it is about them; maybe because putting on a hat makes you look mysterious? Or more likely, because putting on a hat hides your bad hair day. Whether it's a wide brimmed fedora, an athletic baseball cap, or a Jil Sander veiled beanie, a hat is the perfect topper for any outfit. hats6




Images by:, We Wore What, Garance Doré, The Blonde Salad, Jak & Jil

ELIZA Magazine

I love ELIZA Magazine and I know you ladies out there will too! ELIZA focuses on portraying "fashion without fiction." Essentially, they showcase fashion that can translate to the every day women and they publish images of women that are modest. The fashion advice is great, and the fashion inspiration is nothing short of beautiful!

I was given the chance to contribute to the most recent issue of ELIZA, and was so excited when they asked me to review Jil Sander's Spring 2011 Ready-to-Wear collection. Jil Sander is one of my favorite clothing lines!

To read the article, just purchase the electronic issue for ELIZA for $4.20 of MagCloud! Click here!

Alexandra | Alexander


I was joking around with my brother-in-law, Adrian, that it would be so funny if I married someone with the last name 'Alexander,' thus creating 'Alexandra Alexander.' I'm already married to Ryan and have the last name Evjen, but if I could have a fashion line marriage, I would definitely consider joining forces with the popular new 24 year old designer, Alexander Wang.Fashion critics have been buzzing about him for awhile. He went grew up in San Fran and went to Parsons School for Design. His style reminds me of Jil Sander mixed with Narciso Rodriguez (two of my favorites). I'm sure he's going to become a household name in the future being that he already has the upmost respect from the fashion community at age 24! Plus, celebrities are wearing his designs left and right - Michelle Williams, Lindsay Lohan, Lauren Conrad, Kate Hudson... Well, maybe when I'm looking for an internship Mr. Alexander Wang will favor me because of my name...(Sigh)...