So Proud!
/Today is a big day for the love of my life, Ryan Evjen. He has his last class EVER before walking across the stage on Saturday morning in his cap, gown and hood (so fashionable) to receive a Masters of Science in Information Management from Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business. I couldn't be more proud!
It has been a long journey for us. He has worked a full-time job, while going to school full-time (night classes), continuing to work on his side business (Visdom, LLC), being a wonderful husband, brother, son and friend. He sure deserves a vacation and a margarita! Thankfully, we have a summer to relax with each other before I embark on the same journey. Whew!
Thank you to all of our friends and family out there for loving and supporting us through this season. Your prayers and encouragement have gone a long way!
Please pray for Ryan during this last final exam (6pm tonight).