Progress - 30 Thriving Challenge


I have less than 30 days until I turn 30, and I am happy to report I have already met one of my goals!!! In the past six weeks with the BIG help of Mountainside Fitness I have gone from a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 22 to a BMI of 20. I have stayed the same weight of 124 pounds all while burning fat and gaining muscle. I have never felt more healthy in my life. I no longer feel weak, and I feel more confident in a bathing suit. I always thought the loose skin around my tummy was permanent due to pregnancy. I was really surprised to see my stomach tighten up more than ever before. I have room improvement in that area, but my arms and legs are finally showing some muscle definition.

I am so excited to turn 30, and to finally have a healthy lifestyle. #30ThrivingChallenge

My Fitness Program


Today marks one month of working out with Mountainside Fitness. WOOHOO! I'm still alive! Actually, I feel more alive than ever before. I have more energy, I have a desire to be active and I am already seeing results (less jello jiggle all around). When I had my initial assessment (read about it here), I could only hold a plank for 30 seconds, my legs would shake after one set of lunges and I would get winded after five minutes of running. Now, I can hold a plank for a whole minute and quickly go into a side plank for another minute. My core is stronger than ever, and my endurance is much improved. I can run intervals for 30 minutes and keep going.

So, what is my current workout? Well, the trainers at Mountainside Fitness have me going to the gym 4-5 days a week to burn fat and build muscle. To do that, I do the following.

DAY #1

  • Stretching
  • 10-15 minutes of cardio to warm up
  • 3 sets of planks (normal positions and both side positions)
  • 3 sets of 15 pelvic thrusts from floor holding for 3 seconds at a time
  • 3 sets of 15 lunges
  • 3 sets of 10 squats with 20 lbs
  • 3 sets of  10 step-ups bring my knee to my chest
  • 3 set of 15 calf raises
  • Stretching

DAY #2

  • Stretching
  • 45-1 hour of cardio (usually do 45)
  • Stretching

DAY #3

  • Stretching
  • 10-15 minutes of cardio to warm up
  • 3 sets of planks (all positions)
  • 3 sets of 10 bicep curls using 10 lbs. while balancing on a ball
  • 3 sets of 12 lateral lifts with 5lbs
  • 3 sets of 12 arm presses with 10 lbs while lying on a ball
  • 3 sets of 10 arm pull-backs with 8 lbs while balancing on a ball
  • Stretching

DAY #4

  • Stretching
  • 45-1 hour of cardio
  • Stretching

Day #5

  • Free day to choose how I want to be active.

Image via Pinterest

30 & Thriving Challenge


In exactly two months and one day I will be kissing my 20's good-bye and embracing my 30's. I'm am really excited about this new season of my life. My 20's have been great in many ways, but it was definitely a decade of figuring myself out. I went from single to married to a baby in a ten year span. I also graduated college, bought a home and held five different jobs. I have learned a ton about myself, and I can't wait to learn more. There's one thing though that I really feel like I have failed at my whole life, and that's taking care of my body. I wrote a post a couple of months ago about my journey with self image, and in it I shared that I have really come to a place of accepting and embracing my body. However, I am not doing the best job right now by keeping it healthy. There's a saying that I saw on Instagram that has stuck with me, "Friends don't let friends get skinny fat." I'm skinny fat. On the outside I might look great, but I don't exercise AT ALL. I have not even attempted to exercise since 2011. Three years ago!!!  The truth is I feel really weak and I want to feel strong. I want to know that my heart is in shape and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes that plagues my family. I want my 30's to be a time of thriving and strength now that I have discovered what kind of man I like, what my passion is, etc. It's time to thrive!

To help me, Mountainside Fitness is sponsoring my wellness challenge for three months. I will be sharing weekly updates on what I am learning and doing to start my 30's off on the right foot. You can follow along via the blog, facebook and Instagram, as well as the hashtag #30thrivingchallenge


Photos by Liz E. Studio. Satin headwrap by I Wear the Headress