Stopping Traffic
/Well, yesterday was a pretty eventful day. I was in the worst accident I have ever been in and could have lost my life. I woke up this morning wondering if yesterday's accident ever happened, and then we got a call from Geico saying my car is a total loss. Anyone have any car suggestions? ;) Click to keep reading about my accident...
How did this all happen you wonder? Well, I was on my usual commute to downtown on the I-10 west bound and I was driving in the middle lane of the five lane freeway. All of the sudden I felt a collision and I started spinning in circles, round and round, and then thought to hit my breaks towards the end of the spin bracing myself for impact into the barrier. I ended up in the emergency lane facing west with traffic with not a single scratch on me or soreness from the seat belt. I was relieved and then I started crying. I couldn't get out of my car because my door had been smashed to pieces. Glass on my lap.
This sweet lady that had witnessed everything stopped, called 911 and made sure I wasn't hurt. After a couple of minutes police showed up, stopped rush hour traffic and helped me get to the other side of the freeway. The guy that hit me was driving a Roadrunner and ended up down the road on the right hand side. The witness had to leave for jury duty, but confirmed he changed lanes into me.
We had to pull off onto a side street from there with my bumper left behind on the freeway. The usual police report stuff happened and then a tow truck came and took sylvia away - Sylvia is my silver Toyota Carola. =)
I have no soreness from the accident for the most part. No bruising either. I am so blessed and grateful that I didn't get hurt or die. Things could have been a lot worse at such a busy time on the largest freeway in Arizona.
Watch the video to see the wreckage...