Dannijo Jewelry

I'm not sure if you have noticed, but I don't post about jewelry very often. That's mostly because I don't wear or purchase it very often either. Stylist confession  time...By FAR, my weakest point of knowledge is the accessory department.

There! It's out in the open and on the internet forever.

BUT!...and here's a big BUT...One of my goals this year is to become more aware of the talented jewelry designers out there, and consequently you will too!

So, first up is Dannijo. I really love the latest collection. Big, chunky eclectic statements.

This jewelry line was started in 2008 by two sisters in New York City. Each piece is hand-made, and artfully combines an indie-hipster vibe with high fashion.

Check out this really cool video of their fall collection too!

Dannijo Fall 2011 from Petter Ringbom on Vimeo.