Gap Premium Denim

premium denimYou may have seen loads of advertisements lately for Gap Premium Denim. Let me tell ya, it's definitely all it's cracked up to be. I always buy Gap jeans, but I'm really liking these cuts of denim. I bought some premium skinny jeans a couple weeks ago and I love them. held a contest for Gap called, "Born to..." I created a look that described what I'm born to do. I said that I'm born to learn because that's exactly what I love doing every day. I love learning about God, fashion, people, music, name it. It might be cheesy, but it's true. I used items that reminded me of college. Simple and comfortable.

Fashion Photo Inspiration

natashapoly02frenchvoguefeb2005gx7I've come across a lot of great fashion photography this past week. As I collect what inspires me, I'm noticing themes in my style and taste and what overall attracts me...words like natural, ethereal and comfortable come to mind. What about you? If you could some up your taste what words would you use?crazy haircut copie copiehmdividedPicture 57natashapoly02frenchvoguefeb2005gx7 3685314868_0df8623ebf_ocatherine-malandrino-0703bsc-425dd copieerik_johansson

Creative Cotton

designhistorygrayCotton is a common fabric for a reason. It's breathable, comfortable, soft on the skin and easy to produce. This year stores are carrying simple tanks and tees with twists. It may be ruffles or braids or pleats, but whatever the embellishment is, it's creatively taking a staple wardrobe piece and adding some flair. Here are some tanks/tees I found on that I thought were cool. bailey44bbdakotabcbgmaxmaradesignhistorytankdevelopmentelijahdesignhistorylongsleevedesignhistorylayersfreepeopletanksgeneratankbcbgmaxazariatornracerback